Health Care
For Congressman Hoyer, ensuring that more Marylanders have access to affordable, quality health insurance coverage is a top priority. For the past decade, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has helped bring coverage to millions more Americans, significantly slowed the growth in costs, and brought an end to discriminatory practices that left many suddenly without coverage or access to care when they needed it most. That law, which Congressman Hoyer brought to the Floor as Majority Leader in 2010, ended the practice of denying coverage to those with pre-existing conditions and banned annual and lifetime limits on health coverage benefits.

The COVID-19 pandemic made it clear why measures like the Affordable Care Act’s reforms are so critical to preserve and expand. Congressman Hoyer has fought vigorously to lower the cost of prescription drugs and strengthen the Affordable Care Act in Congress. He is focused on working with his colleagues and the Biden-Harris Administration to expand access to affordable health care to all Marylanders with the Build Back Better Act. This legislation will lower the cost of health care for Marylanders. It will make sure that no Marylander pays more than $35 a month for insulin and bring down the costs of prescription drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs.